Personal Consultation
Initial Sessions & Follow-Up Sessions, in person or online

Have you never worked with me before? Then a first personal consultation is a good place to start. If have you already worked with me, you can of course request follow-up consultations.
Every person is different and there is no one-size fits all. Needs are different, budgets are different… Together we will see how I can best serve you and your individual camino, whether it is through personal sessions, receiving your complete Astro-Metabolic Profile, taking one of my virtual courses, reading my book – or coming to Spain for a deep-dive retreat… or any combination of them.
Whatever the case may be, I will give you some light when it comes to:
- what your issue is here to teach you both on a physical and on a soul level
- what you can do in terms of food, lifestyle, mindset and/or behavior to improve your situation
In order to do so, I draw on my unique toolbox of skills in:
- Understanding the symbolism and soul messages hidden in symptoms and life events
- Understanding the needs and challenges of different metabolic types when it comes to food, lifestyle and mindset
- How metabolism and symptoms connect to astrologic signs, the chakras and Chinese Medicine
I handle different prices as I serve different types of people.
- My regular price is 66 Euro per consultation (of +/- one hour).
- For people living in Sierra de Gata (Spain) and for people who otherwise might be in a situation of limited financial means, the price is 33 Euro per one hour session.
- For people who have the means, the price is 99 Euro per one hour session.
I leave it up to you to decide in what range you fall. I trust your capacity to honestly evaluate your situation and request your price aligned with that truth.
To book your session, please write an email to