Who is your support team?
Making a change in your diet or lifestyle is a personal decision, but it definitely gets easier if you feel supported by your surroundings, especially by the people close to you. On the other hand, being surrounded by people who constantly put obstacles in your way might make it very hard or even impossible for you to reach […]
The healing power of a pet
Pets can play a very big role in our healing process, because they help us to slow down and allow us to both give love and to receive it. Having a cat on your knees for example, forces you to sit still and to do nothing else but be with her and caress her. Hearing […]
Soulful Eating
Today let’s look at HOW to eat for optimal health and fertility.You probably heard the term “Mindful Eating” before. I have myself used it extensively. However, I much agree with Marc David, founder of the Institute of the Psychology of Eating, when he advocates using the term “soulful eating” instead of “mindful eating”:“Mindful eating makes […]
Eating well is a form of self-respect
Tell me what you eat, and I tell you how much respect you have for yourself and for this planet (which is actually the same thing).So many people know (in theory) that sugar, artificial sweeteners and processed foods in general are not good for them. Yet they still keep on consuming those. My role as […]
Balanced breakfasts for steady energy
This article is not about whether or not to have breakfast. It is clear that everybody is biochemically individual and has different metabolic needs, with some people not needing any breakfast at all and some thriving on intermittent fasting. This article is only meant to offer alternatives for a classical, sugar-loaden, continental breakfast.Are you one […]