Toxic Washing Detergent and Personal Boundaries
What does it mean to set boundaries in real life? What follows is a personal example from May 2018:In May 2018, me and my partner at this time spent a week away on holidays. When coming back, we had the impression of opening the door to a washing saloon. Some well-intended soul had washed everything […]
What is the healthiest and most sustainable fish to eat in Belgium?
Fish is a great source for easy-to-digest proteins, healthy fats (more or less fat depending on the type of fish) and key nutrients such as iodine, zinc and selenium (which are all crucial for the thyroid). When it comes to fish, we have to select smartly though, because of potential heavy-metal contamination and of course, […]
Plant proteins and potential health problems
With all those scandals about factory-farmed meat and all this talk about how unsustainable and unhealthy it is to eat (too much) meat, many people are reducing the amount of animal foods they consume and are looking for plant-based alternatives to cover their bodies’ need for proteins.In this article I don’t want to discuss whether […]
A true alternative to glyphosate exists
An alternative to glyphosate already exists! It is called (local, small-scale) organic agriculture!Honestly, I don`t get the current outcry about the prolongation of the glyphosate license. Or better said, I only get it partially. Of course I understand that people are annoyed with politics succumbing to the influence of big lobbies and putting profit above […]
Zero FOOD waste shopping
For 4 years I used to have a shop for organic Real Food in Brussels (I then closed it for personal reasons). This shop used to function in a completely different way than other shops and – as a consequence – was 100% FOOD waste free. In this article I explain what I – and especially […]
Industrial organic vs. small-scale organic – and why we need to support the latter
You care about your health. You care about the animals. You care about the planet. This is why you buy organic food. Great! Now here’s another component to care about: the small, local farmer. Why?Simplified, if you don’t support local farmers, you support industrialized, mass production.Even if you buy organic or veggie or local – and even if you avoid […]
6 reasons why organic food is really better
Every now and then there is a new “study” coming out supposedly showing that organic produce is no better for us than conventional produce. I do not even look at those studies anymore. For me it is simple common sense that fresh, organic Real Food (as opposed to processed junk food in an organic packaging) the way I […]
Grass-fed vs. Grain-fed Cows
Whenever I read somewhere that eating meat is bad for your health and the planet, I want to call or write the author and tell them to correct the headline to “Eating factory-farmed GRAIN & SOY-fed meat is bad for your health and the planet”. We always lump together very different types of cows and […]
Eating animal foods can be regenerative – Part 1: Nutrition
IntroductionIt seems that if you want to be a “good” and “enlightened” consumer these days, you have to go vegan. While I can understand the ethical, environmental and nutritional motivations fueling this movement, the whole notion that veganism is the most ethical, sustainable and healthiest way to eat is dangerously one-sided and misleading. Things are […]
Eating Animal Foods can be regenerative – Part 2: Environmental Health, Fertility & Sustainability
This post is part 2 of a 3 part series. If you haven’t already done so, please read part 1 (nutritional point of view) first. Make sure to also read about the intentions I have with this series in the beginning of part 1.Part 2: Sustainability Point of ViewBesides health, sustainability is a big reason why people choose […]