Regenerative Chakra Journey

Regenerate yourself chakra by chakra through holistic nutrition and embodiment practices

From Victim Consciousness to Unshakable Trust
Journey along the Chakras
based on “The Fertile Path”


Regenerate yourself from soil to soul along this guided step-by-step journey. Create safety in your system from the root to the crown so that you can finally step out of stress response, fear and scarcity mindset. Get to know yourself in a completely new way, meeting, feeling and befriending all these different parts that make up the complex mystery of who you are. Heal the relationship between your inner Masculine and Feminine, integrating all the different ways they can and do express. Up-level the way you relate with yourself to up-level your reality and your experience of Life.


David Deida describes the three stages of the spiritual maturation of our inner Masculine and inner Feminine and thus, as a consequence and reflection, of our relationships. In this article I describe the three stages in detail the way I understand them, and also add my own insights when it comes to our relationship with food, body and Life. Basically, it is about our individual and collective journey from victim consciousness and drama triangle to first, independence and self-sufficiency and, ultimately, to devotion and unshakable trust.


In order to support you on your personal journey through these stages, I have designed the Regenerative Chakra Journey, a 9 days OFFline, full-immersion retreat. As in my book, The Fertile Path, I use the Chakra system as a structure for this program because it provides a comprehensive and accessible way to relate with the different aspects of the human experience and allows to integrate and to reclaim all our different parts and dimensions in a step-by-step process, with every module building on the previous one.


Besides the mental analysis of the chakra, its characteristics and signs of over- or under-activity, we also include the BODILY experience and exploration of it, breathing it, feeling it in our bodies, identifying the different sensations and qualities we can (or cannot) perceive about it, allowing it to move us, taking its shape, expressing its sound, and exploring its different energies and (astrological) archetypes, noticing whether this is easy or difficult for us (giving us embodied insight into how active this Chakra is in us). We then of course also bringing in the mind and the knowledge.


We look at physical and psychological symptoms of over- and underactivity of a chakra, and learn about ways to balance it through food and simple, but powerful embodiment practices.


We also learn how each Chakra relates to our inner Masculine and Feminine and how to evolve each aspect of their expression and interaction from disconnection to divine union.


Throughout the whole process you are provided with tools to support your maturation from stage 1 (victim consciousness and drama triangle) to stage 2 (independence and self-sufficiency) and eventually to stage 3 (devotion and unshakable trust). There is plenty of space and time to share about your experience and receive support in your process.


The structure of a Chakra day looks more or less as follows:

  • Before breakfast (8-9 am): Osho Chakra Breathing Active Meditation
  • 10-11:30: Embodiment of the Chakra, its energy and archetypes, followed by a more mental analysis of the Chakra, its characteristics, analogies, signs of over and under-activity, etc.
  • 11:30-12: Break
  • 12-13:30: How to balance the chakra with food and regenerative nutrition
  • 14-16: Lunch Break
  • 16-17:30: Masculine-Feminine Dynamics of the Chakra and Embodiment Practice
  • 17:30-18: Break
  • 18-19:30: Sharing Circle, Wrap-Up and Closing
  • 20: Dinner


The retreat takes place at Lalita Devi, an exceptionally fertile natural oasis in the West of Spain (3km from the village Acebo, province of Cáceres). The domain of 25 hectares lies in the middle of oak and chestnut woods, at the foot of a Sacred mountain, with a stream and a natural pool to bathe in.


The price is all-in, including accommodation in shared rooms, full pension (organic and/or local food, incl. animal foods, starting with dinner on day 1 and ending with lunch on day 10), transport back and forth to Madrid airport (4 hours drive each way), the 9 days full of experience, learning and growth. Not included are your flights to Madrid and any additional services you’d like to book, such as massages.


Dates: to be confirmed during free Live event, but most likely 1st-10th of August 2025


Minimum group number: 8, maximum: 16



Free access to my Virtual Camino online course 
for additional information, resources and tools after the retreat, i.e. to dive deeper into certain nutrition topics, receive additional embodiment practices, audio inspirations, cooking guides and more.


Free access to a private Telegram group for exchange and support before and after the retreat


Your Astro-Metabolic Profile

My main goal with this Regenerative Chakra Journey is to empower you by helping you to get to know yourself more intimately. I provide you with the unique opportunity to first dissect and then re-integrate yourself into the whole that you are and have always been, that is larger than the sum of its pieces. From Root to Crown, you are enabled to FEEL yourself, step-by-step differentiating between the different energies and archetypes that live in you, slowly bringing light and clarity into all that lives in you, allowing you to better decide how to interact with and respond to each of those energies.


In addition to that unique opportunity to discover your true needs, desires and boundaries in yourself by feeling yourself, it can also be a great idea to complement this internal perception of yourself with an external vision, ideally one that is not distorted by biases, dogma and projections. This is what I can provide through my completely updated and upgraded Astro-Metabolic Profiles. I recommend you only take it after the course, as to not condition yourself. If you have already received your profile in the past (possibly in a less-evolved version; I am also still learning :)), I ask you to forget about it temporarily, to free your mind as much as possible of any concepts or ideas you might already have about yourself. The same is true for any other analysis you received by other people, including your natal chart, your Ayurvedic constitution, etc.



2.300 Euro pp

For every friend you sign up together with, both of you receive an additional 10% discount.


(Just in case you wonder, I am back to actually putting prices on my offerings, as I found that people need that clearly defined container in order to feel comfortable, safe and relaxed. I also found paying in advance helps people to keep going especially when faced with uncomfortable shadow parts that would otherwise make them quit – as it is almost inevitable to happen in my work, because it takes you deep – so in a way the prepaid price takes on the role of devotion for as long as it is still not stable)


Join the Regenerative Chakra Journey to:

  • Learn empowering tools to help you move from stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3
  • FEEL yourself and your chakras and their over- or under activity rather than (only) analyzing them mentally
  • Understand your body and soul in a whole new way
  • Connect the dots between your daily habits, what is going on in your body and the personal realms of your Life (work, money, relationships…)
  • Get to the root of health issues, such as adrenal fatigue (burnout), subfertility, menstrual issues, digestive issues, food intolerances, thyroid issues
  • Improve your health and fertility through regenerative, chakra-specific nutrition
  • Evolve the relationship of your inner Masculine and Feminine and as such all relationships in your Life
  • Create safety in your system from the bottom-up
  • Learn to fully trust yourself, your body, your mind, food, and Life
  • Enjoy more energy and joy of living
  • Create more magnetism, flow & freedom in your Life
  • Connect and exchange with like-minded people


About your facilitator Claudiana

I am on a mission to help you, your (future) children and the planet to reclaim optimal health & fertility. Combining personal and professional experience in Mind-Body Nutrition, Metabolic Typing, Eating Psychology, Food Sourcing and Tantra, my approach is conscious, holistic and individual.






If interested, please send me an email to and we’ll schedule a short talk to get to know each other and see that this retreat is truly a fit for both of us.